Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thought for the day...

I saw the following and it made me cry...

"I know how much you long for a child but it aches me more to see you
like that...I did my best to treat myself...but don't blame me
whenever I failed...I tried to be strong in front of you, for you not
to worry of me...I cried a lot when you are out, surf the net for
every possible solutions I can have...you just don't know how much pain
I have for this situation i'm going through..if you should only
understand my desire and pain in my heart...I always pray to GOD not
just the desire to have a child,but to continue to guide and support
us as a COUPLE...
if you just only knew my pain...
if you just only knew my fear...

to all dear husband, comfort your wife by simply embracing them and
letting them know you love them so much amidst the situation. let her
verbalize the feelings to you it would really help your wife a lot.
pray together..."

It stop and made me think that I need to stop and talk to my DH whenever I am feeling blue and let him into my world when sadness is all around me.

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