Tuesday, September 16, 2008

bad blogger....

I really need to update this blog more often...so much has happened in the past few weeks. I will give a brief update on each and then give a full explanation when I have more time.

1. Turns out I didn't ovulate at all while on 50mg of Clomid...so my doc bumped me up to 100mg, so I am in the middle of that cycle.

2. The two main managers resigned from my company, so the manager who had just retired came back, so he got a total of 6 weeks away (shortest retirement in history :-P)

3. I am a bad Catholic because I have only just recently visited University of Notre Dame and I am 27 years old. It is a beautiful campus.

4. We are looking at moving into a house after our lease is up. We were able to work out a "rent with option to buy" from the owner after a year, so we are looking forward to getting a place of our own.

5. My office is moving to the next town over on Friday so we are busy packing, cleaning, and throwing things away. Hopefully we will throw out as much as we pack which will make things so much easier.


Amy Bennett said...

I'm not even Catholic & I have been to Notre Dame! :D

My dad is a HUGE Notre Dame football fan. You should see their house!

Stephanie said...

Wow sounds like you have a lot going on! I'm an even worse Catholic b/c I'm 28 and have never been to Notre Dame!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, sorry about that Clomid cycle.Hopefully this will be your cycle!!!! My 50mg was like that and I am in my 100 mg one now, I *think* I might have ovulated, but I am not 100% sure yet...

I had an u/s yesterday and I have a bunch of cysts on my ovaries from PCOS. I always thought I didn't have them, but I guess I do. I have practically every symptom of this damn thing!

Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your clomid cycle :-(

I'm a bad catholic too. I've never been to Notre Dame aaaanddd, I haven't been to church since my wedding ::hangs head in shame::

Amy Bennett said...

Hey girl.....you need to update your blog! How is life up North??? I miss you in TN! It was always great hanging out with you!